Die Dover Boys oder die Rivalen aus Roquefort Hall 1942

Animation Short Adventure

Three fun-loving, morally upright brothers from Pimento University save their fiancée from their fiendish archenemy, Dan Backslide, in this spoof of the Rover Boys.

All Titles
  • Die Dover Boys
  • US: The Dover Boys at Pimento University or The Rivals of Roquefort Hall The Dover Boys at Pimento University or The Rivals of Roquefort Hall
  • BR: Os Dover Boys Os Dover Boys
  • FI: Doverin pojat Pimennon yliopistossa Doverin pojat Pimennon yliopistossa
  • FI: Yliopiston kilpakumppanit Yliopiston kilpakumppanit
  • FI: Doverin pojat Doverin pojat
  • FR: Les Tartempion à l'université Les Tartempion à l'université
  • HU: Dover fiúk az egyetemen Dover fiúk az egyetemen
  • IT: I tre fratelli Dover I tre fratelli Dover
  • JP: ドーバーボーイズ ドーバーボーイズ
  • RU: Братья Доверс в университете Пименто Братья Доверс в университете Пименто
  • ES: Los chicos de la Universidad Pimiento Los chicos de la Universidad Pimiento
  • US: Merrie Melodies #1 (1942-1943 Season): The Dover Boys Merrie Melodies #1 (1942-1943 Season): The Dover Boys
  • US: The Dover Boys at Pimento University or the Rivals of Roquefort Hall The Dover Boys at Pimento University or the Rivals of Roquefort Hall
Released 19 Sep 1942
Links IMDb


Die Dover Boys oder die Rivalen aus Roquefort Hall 1942