Karakuri kiden hiuô senki 2000

Animation Action Adventure

During the 19th Century in Japan, clockwork dolls are very common for festivals and entertainment. But when the Western world comes to introduce its invention of steam engines, clockwork dolls will be more than handcrafted machines.

All Titles
  • JP: Karakuri kiden hiuô senki Karakuri kiden hiuô senki
  • JP: 機巧奇傳ヒヲウ戦記 機巧奇傳ヒヲウ戦記
  • JP: Clever Strange Successor Hiwou War Chronicles Clever Strange Successor Hiwou War Chronicles
  • JP: Hiwou War Chronicles Hiwou War Chronicles
  • ES: Las crónicas de Hiwou Las crónicas de Hiwou
  • US: Clockwork Fighters Clockwork Fighters
  • US: Clockwork Fighters Hiwou's War Clockwork Fighters Hiwou's War
Released 24 Oct 2000
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