Hinein! Fussball - Weltmeisterschaft 1958 1958


Documentary telling the story of the 1958 FIFA World Cup (Association Football). The tournament, held in Sweden, was won by Brazil for the first time in their history, and is also notable for being the debut on the world stage of ...

All Titles
  • Fußballweltmeisterschaftsfilm 1958
  • FI: Brasilialainen karuselli Brasilialainen karuselli
  • FR: La Coupe du monde de football 1958 en Suède La Coupe du monde de football 1958 en Suède
  • GR: Pangosmion podosfairikon kypellon 1958 Pangosmion podosfairikon kypellon 1958
  • SE: Mål!! VM i fotboll Mål!! VM i fotboll
  • US: Hinein: The Official film of 1958 FIFA World Cup Sweden Hinein: The Official film of 1958 FIFA World Cup Sweden
Released 04 Jul 1958
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Hinein! Fussball - Weltmeisterschaft 1958 1958