Die unglaubliche Reise des Sir Francis Drake 2009

Adventure Fantasy

"1592. Four years after England's defeat of the Spanish Armada, tensions still run deep, especially between Sir Francis Drake, "The Queen's Pirate", and his lifelong nemesis, Captain Don ...

All Titles
  • Der König der Piraten - Die unglaubliche Reise des Sir Francis Drake
  • BG: The Immortal Voyage of Captain Drake The Immortal Voyage of Captain Drake
  • FR: Le voyage fantastique du capitaine Drake Le voyage fantastique du capitaine Drake
  • HU: Utazás a halhatatlanság felé Utazás a halhatatlanság felé
  • IT: L'incredibile viaggio di Captain Drake L'incredibile viaggio di Captain Drake
  • PL: Kapitana Drake'a wyprawa po nieśmiertelność Kapitana Drake'a wyprawa po nieśmiertelność
  • US: Captain Drake Captain Drake
Released 17 Jan 2009
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