Das Geheimnis des schreienden Schädels 1959

Horror Thriller

A newly married couple arrives at the home of the husband's late wife, where the gardens have been maintained by a gardener faithful to the dead woman's memory. Soon, eerie events lead the new wife to think she's losing her mind.

All Titles
  • US: The Screaming Skull The Screaming Skull
  • CA: The Screaming Skull The Screaming Skull
  • FR: Le crâne hurlant Le crâne hurlant
  • IT: Il teschio urlante Il teschio urlante
  • JP: 悲鳴を上げる頭蓋骨 悲鳴を上げる頭蓋骨
  • MX: La Calavera Chillona La Calavera Chillona
  • PT: O Grito da Caveira O Grito da Caveira
  • RU: Кричащий череп Кричащий череп
  • SE: Skrikande skallen Skrikande skallen
  • UA: The Screaming Skull The Screaming Skull
  • US: The Screaming Skull The Screaming Skull
Released 18 Jan 1959
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